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Committed to Openness

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  • Micah Kendall
    Twitter Logo

    Founder / Lead Developer

  • Jay Taylor
    Twitter Logo

    Smart Contracts / Full Stack

  • Felipe Moreira
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    Frontend Developer

  • Lucas Rosa
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    VP of Engineering

  • Dubbleu
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    Community Manager

  • Kasey White
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  • Martin Schere
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  • Travis Bailey
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    Embracing Innovation

    We foster a culture of creativity and forward-thinking, encouraging our team and community to explore bold ideas and push the boundaries of what's possible.

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    Community Driven

    At Butane, we believe in the power of community-driven initiatives, where users actively participate in shaping the future of our platform.

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    Developer Friendly

    Butane prioritizes ease of use for developers, promoting interoperability and accessibility to encourage seamless integration and innovation on our platform.

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    True Decentralisation

    Butane champions decentralization and self-sovereignty, providing users with autonomy and independence over their financial assets.

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From our community

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    For the Australian Cardano community

    Charles Hoskinson

    @IOHK_Charles -
    23 May 2024

  • community user

    With @butaneprotocol just around the corner a new Era of Efficient Synthetics built to comply with the constraints of #Cardano while leveraging all its benefits is coming🔥 No forced EVM copy only Innovative #Cardano based"


    @Yannick67688949 -
    12 Aug 2024

  • community user

    Diving into section 4.2 of Butane’s whitepaper: Butane will offer the only instant oracle feed with fault tolerance on Cardano. The team recently shared a development update revealing the UI of the oracle monitoring dashboard. #Cardano #Butane


    @IpsDeFi -
    7 Aug 2024

  • community user

    The rebranding that @butaneprotocol went through is simply stunning! 🔥 Subpar branding makes it very difficult to take your business seriously. I like to invest in brands that care about the way they're perceived. Cannot emphasize the importance of great branding.

    jupiter â­•

    @stockjupiterr -
    1 Aug 2024

  • community user

    Something special coming to cardano!! @butaneprotocol $BTN audit complete so we see what’s coming!!

    Crypto intelligence Agency

    @TheCryptointel -
    1 Aug 2024